ScholarOne Manuscripts only allows the designation of one corresponding author per submission. Please add line and page numbers to your document. The author’s full name appears below the title, with any co-author names all on the same line if they share the same affiliation. Manuscript Style All manuscript should be clearly written in a concise grammatical correct English manner.

\fntext[fn2]{Another author footnote, this is a very long footnote and it should be a really long footnote. 2名以上の代表著者を認めるジャーナルもありますが、多くのジャーナルは認めていません。しかし、ほとんどのジャーナルは、代表著者の許容人数について投稿規定で言及していません。この点が問題となった実際の事例をご紹介します。 Not all journals allow more than one corresponding author for a single study, but sometimes the research team needs a co-corresponding author. The affiliation is the line below the author name(s), comprising the company or institution name, city, state, and ZIP code, and also the country … In your case, having two corresponding authors is a requirement for your paper. Authors need to keep this in mind and send pre-submission inquiries if they wish to have two corresponding authors for a paper. \fntext[fn3]{Yet another author footnote.} The proofreading and editing service that I took from Charlesworth Author Services was excellent. The e-mail address(es) of the corresponding author(s) should be listed after the author list footnotes, e.g., "*Correspondence:" A corresponding author is the individual who, when working on a paper with multiple authors, takes primary responsibility for communicating with the journal you intend to publish in. If you submit the manuscript with one corresponding author and explain in the paper or cover letter that you need to have two, you cannot really be sure whether the journal will allow this. 実はこの論文、私がFirst authorなのは当然だが、Double corresponding authorにしてもらったのだ。 くわしくは、プロ研「論文のcorresponding authorについて」を参照。 Corresponding authorのポジションは大切なので、普通はボスはポスドクなんかをCorresponding authorにしない。 after the degree; Put an * after the name of the corresponding author; 6.1.2 Manuscript preparation. Sometimes also called a “coauthor designee,” a corresponding author is not necessarily more important than any of the other authors of a paper, but simply assumes other responsibilities when dealing with publishing that paper. I'd like to know the simplest, most standard way to indicate the corresponding author when using the authblk package.

Authors need to keep this in mind and send pre-submission inquiries if they wish to have two corresponding authors for a paper. Corresponding author(s) may additionally include … I was impressed with the quality of the service in the sense that it did not only do the proofreading and editing, it also synthesized the article in line with the formatting and referencing system of the journal that my paper was submitted. Was this answer helpful? What our customers say. • The corresponding author's full address and telephone/fax numbers The name of the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*) for identification. This question is not a duplicate of How to print the corresponding author, because that question is asking specifically how to make the corresponding author's name appear to the left of the complete list of authors, while also appearing in the complete list of authors.. The corresponding author of a report or article is the one who deals with all communications to and from the publisher. \cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author} \fntext[fn1]{This is the first author footnote.}

Author first name (or initials), middle initial, and last name (surname, family name) and degree(s) Affiliations: use 1, 2, etc. Corresponding authors should be noted with an asterisk in the author list. Abstract To control over molecular weight and its distribution in bulk controlled radical polymerization (CRP) at high conversion remains a challenge. Your rating has been submitted, please tell us how we can make this answer more useful. But this footnote is not yet sufficiently long enough to make two lines of footnote text.} It is possible, and at least in my field (chemical engineering) it is quite common.One example: in this paper there are two authors, and both are corresponding authors! Not all journals allow more than one corresponding author for a single study, but sometimes the research team needs a co-corresponding author. 普通はポスドクはcorresponding authorになれない。普通はボスが承知しない。しかし、double corresponding authorにしてもらえる場合もある。その場合は、ボス(last author)とポスドクあるいはインストラクター(first author)の両方をcorresponding authorにする。 Rate answer 1 of 5 Rate answer 2 of 5 Rate answer 3 of 5 Rate answer 4 of 5 Rate answer 5 of 5 .